Phone +256 772180382 to speak with a certified teacher now or get in touch and we can email you more information.
Meet the National Directors

John Bukenya learned TM in 2009 and has been a TM teacher for the past 3 years. He is a qualified orthopedic technologist. John said: "This simple, effortless technique has enabled me to awaken more and more of my inner potential and to improve the environment around me by generating positivity. Nobody should miss the soothing effects of transcendence through the TM Program."

Judith Nassali has been a teacher of TM since 2011. She says: "I have found that women and girls may come to TM upset. But after learning they have a new direction of life, they feel positive about their lives, they feel blissful and calm and they have good relationship with their families and children."
Local certified teachers in Kampala and in Mbale

Kampala TM Centre
Plot 111 Balituma Road Mengo, P.O Box 21575, Kampala, Uganda
Call +256 772180382
Contact: John Bukenya or Judith Nassali